
Inspiration & Experimentation

So after work today I had the yearning to be imaginative and create something. I love being inspired by other artists as well as life its self. So I got online to Flickr, a photo sharing site, and scrolled through the  recent photos under the explore drop down menu. There are beautiful photographs shown there, by golly! My desire to create something only deepened. I happened upon this picture by Nadja Sveir off of Flickr:

(for better quality go here)

I've been wanting to do a layering affect with nature and people for awhile now because I think it looks so beautiful! Then laziness struck and I wanted to use older pictures I already had instead of taking brand new ones, I know... I'm a cheater. BUT, I wanted to get started right away. So I went through my photographs and these are the pictures I decided to use and meld together. 

I then went into photoshop and played around for about an hour, enjoy every minute of it may I add, and after I was all done I accomplished these two beauties: 

I'm happy with what I came up with, but if I had to change anything... I'd shoot pictures thinking of melding them together and not go through old photographs I had already taken. It was fun putting two and two together, but it took a lot of searching and remembering through my "archives". I think shooting for the sole purpose of creating an image like this or Nadja Sveir's, is the best way to go about it. Having images that would fit perfectly together like the Flickr find (not looked like it was slapped on like mine) would make everything that much more stunning and beautiful. 
Also I'd fix the contrast on my hair in the first picture shown, to contrasty for my liking, but hey... it was an experiment after all!  I loved being inspired by Nadja Sveir to create my own work, and in turn maybe I'll inspire someone else! Enjoy, and never hold back your imagination!